Sunday, December 28, 2008

January 2008

Dad, Mike and Sheila visit with Mom in her room in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit at St. Vincent Hospital in Green Bay the Saturday following her surgery. She looks great considering she had open heart surgery just days before this picture was taken.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

2008 - It's been a very good year!

It hardly seems possible that 2008 is almost at an end. What a year our family has had! January brought with it emotional extremes as we excitedly began to prepare for Jen and Tim's wedding by finding the bridesmaids' dresses, at the same time worrying about my Mom as she faced open heart surgery due to an aortic aneurysm. After a nerve wracking fiasco at David's Bridal, bridesmaids' dresses were picked out and purchased at Dillard's on January 19th. And, thank God, Mom came through the surgery with flying colors just a few days later. I spent several days with Mom, Dad and my sisters in Wisconsin, flying in the night before the surgery. It was good to be together during that scary time. In February, wedding plans geared up with wedding dress fittings for Jen, choosing the caterer and reception location, picking out invitations, making bouquets, etc. By March we were in full swing having an inground pool installed in our backyard. That project wrapped up just in time for Jennifer and Tim's wedding on April 12, 2008. (Mom was well enough to fly down to attend!) What a beautiful and sweet wedding they had! On May 8th, Angela graduated from Winthrop University with her Master's degree in Social Work. Later that month, she moved back to Columbia. Also in May, Jen and Tim closed on their home - Big Ray and Grandma Dottie's. In June, all 6 of us flew home to Wisconsin to celebrate Mom and Dad's 50th wedding anniversary. In July, we had a wonderful visit from Cindy and Alex, who were here for my birthday on the 19th. Also, Angela started her official career as a Social Worker with Gentiva Hospice here in Columbia. In August, Stephanie started classes at USC, majoring in history. Mid-September brought a fun visit from Linda, as well as our 10th wedding anniversary. The kids treated us to a lovely meal at the Melting Pot. A few days later, Angela closed on a home of her own. On the heels of this, Stephanie moved into her own place; Ray and I are "empty nesters", again. We had a bit of a breather in October, then (next thing we knew) it was Thanksgiving. Christmas projects have consumed most of December, but we received the best Christmas gift of all BEFORE Christmas. Jen and Tim are expecting!! We are going to be grandparents!!! We've received so many blessings this year, and we are very grateful!