Saturday, April 24, 2010

Isabella is 8 months old!

It hardly seems possible, but Isabella is 8 months old. She's on the move now and cut 2 teeth this week. This month, it would have been better to do a video as opposed to taking pictures - she wanted to crawl and stand on the chair, not sit. She's at such a fun age!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bella's on the move!

This past weekend, Bella came to hang out with Steph, Ray and me for awhile. She is now crawling, which is cute and comical to watch. Not a girl to follow the conventional path, she navigates on 1 foot, 1 knee and 2 hands. Hey, it works! Later the same day, we took advantage of the beautiful weather and snapped some shots of she and Stephanie.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Feeding the geese on Sunday, April 11, 2010

The weather was beautiful again on Sunday, so Jen, Ray and I took Isabella to feed the geese. She really enjoyed it, particularly the funny sounds that the birds made! Oh, and we are not trying to make any kind of artistic statement with the sepia color - somehow, the knob on the camera was moved 1 notch from a regular, color picture setting to the sepia setting. No matter as the pictures are still priceless.
Bella and I are watching each other's back, it looks like...

When Jen was little, she used to love to run into flocks of birds (usually pigeons) to see them scatter. Even at almost 25 years old, she still has that urge. It'll be fun to see if Bella carries that "tradition" on. I have to say that I had a flash back to Jenny as a little girl when I saw her take Bella for the "run into the flock" (this time geese) on Sunday! (In a good way, Jen!!!)

A visit to the State House on April 10, 2010

Steph didn't have to work on Saturday, so she came by to hang out with Isabella, Ray and I for a while. We did a little shopping, went out to lunch, then had a great time at the State House with Bella. The weather was perfect for a walk around the grounds. We also had fun feeding peanuts to the pigeons and squirrels.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Technical difficulties...April 11, 2010

I've got some great pictures from the weekend, but the blog is not acting as normal tonight. I'll try again tomorrow to update the main picture, as well as add on some new pictures from this weekend. Thanks for your patience.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Bella's 1st Easter

We had a great Easter with the kids yesterday. Isabella is a big girl now and was able to sit with us at the table and eat some of what we were eating. Of course with no teeth, the ham was out of the question, but she REALLY enjoyed the sweet potato casserole and macaroni and cheese. Jen could hardly feed the sweet potatoes to her fast enough! And Bella was able to feed herself the macaroni and cheese. Jen just cut up the macaroni and placed it on Isabella's tray so that she could pick the pieces up and eat them. So cute! Later, we took lots of pictures together. These are but a few. Looking back through them today makes me appreciate what a blessing my family is to me. Love is just radiated in the smiles. (By the way, for those that don't know, Angie had her head shaved as a participant of St. Baldrick's Foundation in support of cancer research a couple of weeks ago. That is why her hair is so short. She was 1 of 35 women in the Columbia area that did so. I'm proud of her commitment to that cause.)