Monday, November 22, 2010

Bella is 15 months old - November 21, 2010

Bella is 15 months today. She, Ray, Jen and I enjoyed a lovely afternoon at the Renaissance Festival in Concord, NC. Bella really enjoyed walking around and visiting the various things. She particularly enjoyed the greyhounds. She went from dog to dog to pet them and one even gave her a kiss which she really got a kick out of. She also really liked the mushrooms that were carved out of wood.
Thanks for the help, Papa.

Sliding down the slide with mommy.

Bella enjoys a ride on the jousting horse.

She also enjoyed walking back and forth across that small bridge.

Petting the greyhound.

Petting another one...

Bella gets a little help from Papa.

All by herself this time.

This mushroom is very heavy!

Bella nd Papa.

Isabella and mommy.

Bella and the dog crates...

You can tell that Bella has grown up around dogs (and cats), those at our house, Jen and Tim's, and Ang and Steph's.  She's very comfortable climbing in to Precious's (our Scottie's) crate to play.  She does the same thing at her house, climbing in to Gus and Otto's crate.  She just loves all of the dogs and cats that make up our collective menagerie!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Our trip to Wisconsin!

Too funny! We were traveling with our good friend, Ron Johnson! Who knew? Thanks to a strategic champaign, Ron Johnson won the Senate seat in Wisconsin! (Not our friend, but another Ron Johnson...)

A school picture from the 1800's which was transposed onto the side of the old school (now an art studio in Juddeville, WI). (My dad grew up in unincorporated Juddeville.)

Dad and Ron in deep conversation!

Alex explaining how his new "air blaster" (my name for it) worked to his mom and Leann.
We had a wonderful time in Wisconsin (it was way too short, though!).

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Boo at the Zoo - October 28, 2010

I love the elephant in the picture!

Enjoying a "neck ride" from daddy!

My daddy knows everything...

Pa Pa would be proud of my elephant ride!


Angela and Tim have set the date!

Angela and Tim will exchange vows on May 9, 2011 on board of a Carnival Cruise ship.  The wedding will take place on board prior to departure on a Bahamian cruise.  The cruise departs from Charleston, SC on the 9th.