Sunday, September 27, 2009

Goodness! How could I forget to mention our 11th Anniversary?

Wow! I got so wound up recounting the story of Frieda's "resurrection" that I almost forgot to mention that Ray and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary on September 25th! Ron came in for the weekend to work on a project with Ray (putting up crown molding in 2 of our 3 bedrooms), so he was here to help us celebrate that evening. As luck would have it, Tim has Friday's off, so all of the kids were able to join us for dinner at Pasta Fresca. The pasta was delicious!

We really ate well this weekend!

Happy 22nd Birthday, Stephanie!

Last night, we celebrated Steph's birthday by going to dinner for sushi at Saky. As always, the food was great and we had a nice time chatting and joking with one another. Afterwards, Stephanie headed out to celebrate some more with her friends. It certainly is hard to believe that our baby is now 22!

September 25th was a very happy day for Angela!

About a month before Bella was born, this sweet little cat began to hang around Jen and Tim's house. They fed her and made sure that she had water. In early September Frieda became an indoor cat, when Angela took her to live at her house. Frieda was comfortable there from the moment she set foot in the foyer. On September 15th, she went missing from Angela's backyard. Ang put flyers up in the hopes of someone finding Frieda. She was crushed when, a few days later, she saw the remains of a cat bearing very similar markings smooshed in the road in front of her subdivision. On Sunday, 9/20, Ray and I drove over to Angela's with a shovel and scooped "Frieda" off the road and buried her in Angie's backyard. On the 25th, out of the blue, Angela received a call from a lady that said that she believed she had Frieda (she found her sitting under her car very much alive!). Angie went immediately to the lady's house and confirmed that Frieda was still alive!!! She is happily back with Angela. We are all so happy that this story had a happy ending.

Isabella is 1 month old already!

Photo shoot with Auntie Stephy - 9/18/2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

After a busy week in South Carolina, Mom headed back up north to Door County. Isabella got to enjoy snuggling with her great-grandma quite a bit that week. At the airport (before this picture was taken), Mom was holding Isabella and joked that she was just going to take Bella home with her!

Monday, September 14, 2009

September 13, 2009

Bella went to breakfast with Ray, Jen and Mom yesterday. After breakfast they came back to the house for a bit (a shopping trip followed). Isabella and Mom enjoyed a snuggle on the loveseat! (Isabella has kind of goofy, poopy face in the last picture. She's still a cutie, though!

A trip to Portrait Innovations - Sept. 11, 2009

Since Mom was visiting us for a week, we made an appointment at Portrait Innovations for a day when our whole group was available. Friday, September 11, we met there for family portraits. These are just some of the proofs from the CD they "gave" us from the session.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Isabella's blessing - September 10, 2009

Ray and one of the local Rabbis have become good friends and several times a week meet at Dunkin' Donut for breakfast. They get together as much for the conversation as for the a donut. After Isabella was born, Rabbi asked if the family had any objections to him blessing Isabella. There were no objections (it was an honor for him want to do so); the blessing took place on Thursday, September 10. Once he had blessed Isabella, he went on to bless each of us one at a time. Later, we went out to lunch with the Rabbi. He is a very interesting and enjoyable gentleman!

Auntie Stephy came to vist on 09082009

After class on Tuesday, Steph came by the see Mom. While she was here, she was holding baby Bella. Isabella was in a really jolly mood that afternoon and I was able to shoot this cute picture of the 2 of them.

Dr. Dodds, Jen and Isabella

Isabella's 2 week visit to the doctor - 09082009

Tuesday, 09082009, we were waiting for great-grandma to arrive from Wisconsin. Before that, though, Isabella had her 2 week check up. Her pediatrician, Dr. Dodds, is the same one that Jennifer went to years ago. He is a really nice guy! Isabella is his first legacy patient! Isabella got a great report at the doctor. She has gained more than a pound and has grown more than an inch. She is at the 50th percentile for weight and the 75th percentile for height.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Carolina Girls - Best in the World!

Tonight is the first University of South Carolina Gamecock football game of the season. Here's Bella decked out in her Gamecock onesie and socks. Go Cocks! (Looks like she has been resting up for the big game.)

What a sleepy baby!

This morning around 11, Ray and I both received texts from Jen which included a picture of sleepy head Isabella. She had been sleeping since around 8!

Will the real Isabella Marie Rosenfeld please "stand up"?

Bath time baby!

Bella all clean and cute!