Sunday, March 6, 2011

Isabella is 18 months old!

How can it be that a year and a half have already passed since Bella was born?  She is such a big girl now - she goes to school (Little People's Learning Center), she helps out around the house, and loves playing with her dolls.  She is Papa's little "poop" scout, helping him to find the dog poop in our backyard.  She points them out to him and yells "Poop!" so he knows where to pick them up.  (It's actually pretty comical to watch.) 

On February 23rd, we found out that Jenny and Tim are expecting baby #2 in October!  Bella is going to make a great big sister!

Bella helps Papa scout out the dog poop in the backyard.

There is another one, Papa!

Hmmm.  Now what?

Isabella is going to be a Big Sister in October!

Guess how old I am now!

You're right!  I'm 18 months old!

A trip to the zoo on February 21, 2011

On February 21st, Ray, Tim and I were off of work for the President's Day holiday.  After Jenny finished work at 3, we all met at the zoo to enjoy the pretty weather and walk around the zoo.  We snapped several pictures of Bella and some of the bronze animal statues at the zoo.  She had a great time!
What fun to snuggle and play on the lioness and the cub!

Time to snuggle with the papa lion...

The real giant tortoises weren't out, so the tortoise statue will have to do.

Over the years, Jen and Alex have also had their picture taken on this little elephant when they were younger.  The picture of Jen is in our foyer, while the picture of Alex is on our hall shelf.

Apparently, Mr. Orangutan has a cowlick that Isabella is trying to tame.  (She's giving it the "spit" treatment.)